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A Feng Shui consultation helps you to achieve the objectives you are looking for. It analyzes the energies and taps into the positive Qi of your home or your office. 


We will focus on the location and direction of a number key aspects of your property and use different techniques of Feng Shui to have better results. Below are some of these techniques. 



This is one of the branches of Chinese Astrology. Using this technique, one is able to draw up a map of a person's life and advise them on what action the person should take during various phases of their life. For this, I need the exact date of birth, place and hour of that person. One of the objectives is to identify the kind of relationship the person has with their parents, superiors, subordinates, spouce, friends and sibling and children. Also to see the wealth prospects and when to grasp opportunities. Of course, we will not be able to change one's person life, but we will be able to understand the chart and tell a person when to take appropriate action at the right time by studying his lucky chart. Hopefully he/she will be more prepare to overcome obstacles during challenging times and be able to grasp opportunity during favourable times.

This can be done for children or for main occupants who do not know the hour of their birth. 9 Star has systematised the energy that you are endowed with according to your birth date. 9 Star Ki astrology will tell your characteristics and compatibility with others by classifying the atmosphere into nine and determining your atmosphere at birth.


One of the basic principles of Feng Shui is the principle of five elements, which are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water.

These feng shui elements interact between themselves in many ways, generally defined as the productive and destructive cycles. In some cases, we can use this to produce a good and positive Feng Shui Qi in the home and stop the bad Qi from harming those who live in the same home.

Analysis of surrounding landscape using Form School Principles. Form School is the oldest school of Feng Shui. It was originally used for finding suitable orientation of tombs, as the Chinese believe that the burying of their ancestors will have a direct affect on their own wealth and fortunes. Form school takes into account shapes and symbolism in the environment, now these can applied for a property, office, room etc... We will use this school along with the compass reading to have a full and complete understanding of the energy of your home and your surrounding.


Advanced Eight Portents analysis is a not so known system in the west. This method is usually used when we are not able to identify an accurate date of build for the premises. You need to do a compass reading to allow us to know what kind of house we have. According to the reading, we will be able to know what the qi is in various parts of the house. Some areas will be identified as auspicious and some as inauspicious. We will have a floor plan drawn to scale to see which areas of your house have what energies.

Flying star is one of the most advanced school of Feng Shui. I need to know in which year the house was built. An accurate compass degree reading of the facing of the house is essential. You would also need a floor plan drawn to scale. We will identify the centre of the house and inside the home. According to the luo pan reading and birth date of the house, we are able to draw up a chart. With this chart, a Feng Shui practitioner will be able to tell wether the occupants of the house enjoy good feng shui or not. He will be able to give you advice on how to encourage the good qi to be retained and flow through a house and to stop the bad qi from harming the occupants.

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