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"At the time I started with Tram, I was really looking for career progression and to be in a better place financially. After a thorough analysis, she concluded that on the family side the flat was very positive, which was true. For the rest, she advised to put some cure in the form of water feature in very specific places to improve my career path and to help the financial side. 4 months later, I was offered to take a much higher position, with a much better package. It is a real step up that seemed to come out of the blue. I am currently moving home, and I have already asked Tram for the Feng Shui of the new place." Head of Private Banking Desk, Singapore


"I am one of the lucky ones Tram kindly offered her Feng Shui consulting experience to. She not only spent extra hours to analyze and provide solutions to me through the Feng Shui methodology, but she introduced me to her exciting universe of "energy elements" with passion.You do not always choose the people you work with, report to or even when you sign business partnerships, and I was surprised that Tram could provide very sharp observations about people she doesn't know... WIth Feng Shui, Tram has managed to give me a clear map and a practical tool to help me solve very specific business questions." General Manager, Paris


"Tram has approached her work very professionally and has dealt well with my initial skepticism. I was surprised to see smilarities with some of the Asian studies conducted by local "Pandits" in India. It looks like the fundamentals are similar. I found her feedback extremely valualble and I wish I had consulted her before moving into our new house." Head of Private Banking Desk, London



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